About Us

David Capps-Tunwell

David Capps-Tunwell MBE, PhD is retired from the Royal Navy after a career in aircraft engineering and now lives in Normandy, France. He is currently a associated member of the HISTEME (Histoire , Territoires, Mémoires) department at Caen University in France. 

He is researching German logistical support and the impact of Allied tactical bombing during the battle of Normandy using archive resources and geo-archaeological analysis of landscape evidence.




David carrying out a initial horse-back survey in a French forest.

David G. Passmore

David G. Passmore (PhD, Newcastle University) is a geoarchaeologist with a current focus on conflict archaeology and military geography and has published 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles and texts. 


He currently works as a geoarchaeological consultant and is a sessional lecturer at the Department of Geography, University of Toronto Mississauga and Niagara College, Canada.